Road Construction

Brand-new road, widened highway or resurfaced street in a neighborhood, we’ll help you choose the right earthmoving equipment, excavation equipment, paving equipment and graders for the job.

In its simplest form, road construction involves installing asphalt, concrete or other materials to create a smooth surface for vehicles. But we all know it’s much more complex than that. Road construction involves many phases that are complex projects in their own right. Let’s take a look at some of the most common processes that require heavy machinery.

Our Recent Work:

Address: Nur Ullah Chowdhury Road,
Upozila: Hathazati,
Distric: Chattogram.

We sucessfully complete this  work recently. This work was under LGED.

Most Popular FAQ`s

  • Road construction involves several phases, including planning, site preparation, earthwork, sub-base and base course construction, pavement laying, and finishing touches like signage and markings. The process requires coordination between engineers, contractors, and various stakeholders to ensure quality and safety.